Investigating Criminal Defense Cases
Criminal defense investigations involve the challenging task of gathering essential evidence to support individuals facing criminal charges. In cases where individuals are wrongly accused of crimes they did not commit, initiating a criminal defense investigation promptly is crucial.
When someone is wrongly accused of a crime, initiating a criminal defense investigation promptly becomes crucial to safeguard their rights and preserve critical evidence before it’s too late.
In the eyes of the law, individuals facing criminal charges are presumed innocent until proven guilty. However, prosecutors often employ aggressive tactics, collaborating closely with law enforcement, to secure convictions. Unfortunately, this zealous approach can lead to wrongful charges and convictions. Whether you’ve recently been arrested, are a suspect in an ongoing investigation, or have been wrongly accused of a crime, AeroShieldUSA can assist you.
Our Criminal Defense Investigation Services:
At AeroShieldUSA, we take several steps in criminal defense investigations:
Related Services Offered by AeroShieldUSA:
In addition to criminal defense investigations, AeroShieldUSA provides related services such as:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks and Investigations
- Undercover and Covert Investigations
- Computer and Physical Evidence Forensic Services
- Locate Investigations (for other suspects or witnesses)
- Access to Public Records and Comprehensive Information Resources
- Shredded or Destroyed Document Reconstruction
Contact AeroShieldUSA today for a free consultation on criminal defense investigations. Let us assess your needs and help prevent you from bearing the consequences of someone else's wrongdoing.
Are you in a difficult situation?
If you’ve been arrested, find yourself under suspicion in an ongoing criminal inquiry, or have been wrongly charged or convicted of a crime, then you require an AeroShieldUSA Criminal Defense Investigation to safeguard your rights. Our team will conduct a comprehensive examination of your case, reassessing all evidence and interviewing original witnesses. We’ll also pursue new leads and bring forth additional witnesses. Rest assured, all evidence presented will be court-admissible. Don’t allow the injustice of false accusations to persist any longer than necessary: reach out to AeroShieldUSA today for a complimentary consultation regarding our Criminal Defense Investigation. Let us begin working on your behalf before critical evidence is lost due to time, and before you face potential jail time or fines.